What is a First Look at a Wedding? 4 Reasons Why You Need a First Look

4 Reasons Why You Need a First Look on Your Wedding Day

I am the biggest fan of first looks on your wedding day. You may be asking what a “first look” is, why you should do it, and if it’s right for your wedding. I created this guide to break it down and answer all of your questions, including some visual ideas and explanations! Keep scrolling for lots of wedding photo prettiness.

 What is a first look? A first look is seeing your soon-to-be spouse before you officially tie the knot at your ceremony. I’ll dive deeper in the body of this guide, though the benefits are 1) MORE PHOTOS (heck yes!) of romantic portraits, bridal party and family 2) Sharing a private and once in a lifetime moment with your partner 3) A more relaxed, stress-free wedding day timeline, including the option to join your cocktail hour with your guests 4) Spending more time with your partner on your wedding day since you won’t be waiting all day to see them!

Let’s Break it down

More photos: As a wedding photographer, this is obviously my priority when I create your timeline. I will always design the best timeline for your wedding goals, regardless of whether a first look takes place, though taking as many photos pre-ceremony is the best option for every wedding. In my experience, clients who do a first look have almost double (or more) the amount of romantic photos (romantic photos = wedding day photos of the couple) than couples who don’t do a first look. It also allows us to take all of your bridal party photos beforehand, and in some cases, even all of your family photos. Traditionally, romantic photos, bridal party photos AND family photos are all taken during cocktail hour. That is a lot of extremely important memories to fit into a single hour. It’s also very important to know that fall and winter wedding are VERY limited by how early sunset is. In some months, sunset is as early as about 4:45 PM. Often times, that leaves less than an hour to finish all of your portraits. Your wedding day is way too important, and way too big of an investment to limit your photos like that. Note for my couples: If you choose not to do a first look, it is SO important that we plan accordingly. We need as much time as possible to do photos before the ceremony of the bride + bridesmaids and the groom + groomsmen without you two seeing each other! Personalized photo timeline design is something we work on as soon as you book your wedding with me!

An intimate moment: One of the best things about first looks is how intimate and emotional it is. A first look is shared only between the two of you (well, and me!) while the moments at the alter are shared with dozens of other people. It’s possible, and even common, that the couple will express a more sincere reaction at the first look than they would at the ceremony. Some people tense up with an audience and block out their emotions, while a first look allows the privacy to really open up to their partner. Some couples also choose to read their vows during their first look, or a separate letter to each other, or pray with one another. This is another way to share an intimate moment with just you two, and for couples who are on the shyer side to express their feelings without their guests watching and listening. And to answer this hot question that I am asked a lot – yes, in every first look where the groom has cried, he has cried again at the ceremony!

Timeline: A first look allows a more flexible and stress-free timeline because you can finish most of your photos before the ceremony instead of rushing to complete them after the ceremony. This allows most couples to join their cocktail hour and hang out with their guests!  

More with with your partner: A first look also allows a full day of partying with your partner on your wedding day, instead of hiding from them until the ceremony. Who wouldn’t want to spend as much time with your love as you can?

Keep scrolling for some real wedding couples who opted for a first look and how they made it special and unique! These are just a few ideas, you can be as creative and personal as you want to, it’s YOUR day! Make it the best day. Cheers!

Interested in booking? Contact me here! XO If you’re interested in creating a family shotlist for your wedding day, I created this guide for you!

Emily and Stephen, Ponte Winery, Temecula California - Emily and Stephen exchanged private vows during their first look. This is a great way to share a personal moment that is just for the two of you.

Some pretty highlights from Emily and Stephens summer wedding at Ponte Winery in Temecula, California, in gorgeous Temecula wine country!

Katherine and Jake, Cottonwood Farms, Aguanga California - Katherine and Jake also recited their vows privately before their ceremony and had their first drink together as husband and wife! I LOVE this idea. This couple joined almost their entire cocktail hour to party with their guests since we finished all of their bridal party photos before the ceremony!

Some pretty highlights from Katherine and Jake’s fall wedding at Cottonwood Farms, Aguanga California

Christina and Scott, Southcoast Winery, Temecula California - Here’s a perfect example of sharing that tearful moment twice. We stan an emotional groom! Plus, Christina pulled my favorite move, A DRESS SWITCH UP!

Some pretty highlights from Christina and Scott’s spring wedding at South Coast winery in Temecula Wine Country